

Atharva is a Telugu Language Movie that has elements of family drama, romantic, and social-oriented story. The film directed by Mahesh Reddy revolves around the concerns and the need for relationships in the lives of the masses. It is connected with a range of emotions, which is a story that has to touch the audience.

Plot Summary

The movie is about a young man, Atharva who experiences a lot of hardship in his attempt to defend his family and their integrity. He is a loyal son who treats his mother well and a dependable brother who always makes decisions for the sake of others. Its plot is based on the protagonist’s attempt to triumph over adversities and resist the unfairness of existence, whether on an individual or mass scale. It demonstrates the need to be loyal to loved ones as well as to fight for the truth.

Movie TitleAtharva
DirectorMahesh Reddy
GenreFamily Drama, Romance
Main CastKarthik Raju
Plot SummaryStory of a young man, Atharva, who fights for his family’s honor and justice. The film explores themes of family values, love, and social struggles.
ThemesFamily Values, Justice, Love, Sacrifice
SettingRural and Urban Backdrops
MusicMelodious Songs, Emotional Background Score
CinematographyCaptures the essence of rural and city life
Audience AppealFamily Audience, Fans of Social Drama
StrengthsStrong Performances, Emotional Depth, Relevant Message
RuntimeApprox. 150 minutes


The character of Atharva is played by an upcoming actor who does a good job of portraying emotions and passion in the movie. This is because he can portray a responsible young man believably. The cast members portraying his relatives and friends also give credible performances, thus making the story more touching. It seems very realistic and can assist in establishing a rapport with the viewers.

Direction and Screenplay

In the ensemble, the director of the movie Mahesh Reddy has done a good job in portraying a simple story with a strong message. The screenplay is good enough to retain the audience’s interest with drama, action, and some emotional scenes. The rhythm is workmanlike with dialogue that packs a punch, thus making it clear to follow the sequence of events.

Music and Cinematography

There are nice songs in Atharva and all songs are perfect for the storyline. The background score used in this Hindi movie is useful in increasing the appeal of scenes chosen for this purpose. The use of the lens work is good in portraying the environment be it the family home, the countryside, or even the city environment. The images are bright and help in the narration of the story.


The core subject matters of Atharva are family and its importance, love, sacrifice, and justice. It asserts the necessity to remain a man of one’s word and to defend one’s cause even if the odds are stacked against the individual. It also has a theme where the regular individual in society goes through hardships, which many people can relate to.


In sum, Atharva is a touching family saga with passion, stunts, and social messages. It is not exactly a revolutionary plot but the authentic approach and good actors do a good job for a movie. For these reasons, the movie has a strong moral dimension which makes the viewer think after the film is over. You must watch this movie on ibomma if you lover of action movies